Ocean Model United Nations (文藻終於有自己的MUN囉!)
Model United Nations is that students represent different countries to the committees under the United Nations in the purpose of discussing global issues. The core values of Ocean Model United Nations is to encourage students to deliberate sustainable development and find solutions to strike a balance between environmental protection and economic prosperity. Through pushing students to participate in the discussion of international affairs, we will tell the rest of the world that even though the status of Taiwan is relatively low in the globe but it doesn’t mean our voices won’t be heard. Join us on February 27 & 28, 2016 to build the bridge for connecting the world!
模擬聯合國為學生代表各國模擬在聯合國中各委員會上討論國際議題。而海洋模擬聯合國的核心理念是希望促進學生參與探討永續經營與如何在環境保護與經濟發展達到平衡,並藉由參與國際事務的討論,告訴世界即便台灣在國際社會的聲音較微弱,但不代表不會被聽見! 快來參加02/27-02/28海洋模聯搭起與世界的橋樑!
〔Ocean MUN Information〕
Time:2016.02.27 - 02.28
Regular Tickets:2015.12.07 - 2016.01.03
〔Ocean MUN Registration〕
報名 Register Now:http://goo.gl/i2cBqo
官網 Official Site:http://goo.gl/QnHwz1
匯款確認單 Remittance Confirming : https://goo.gl/iaxBtI
see more : http://oceanmun.wix.com/oceanmun2016
更新時間 : 2015-11-20 23:21:34