

Taipei Model United Nations


Taipei Model United Nations is entering its 10th anniversary! With the great Youth Association of International Conferences (YAIC) which holds the annul sessions for TMUN in National Chengchi University, delegates could have nice quality in participating the conferences through this excellent opportunity. Also, TMUN this year extends its conference to 4 days for a more thorough discussion on the topics and a longer list of surprises. By discussing more, delegates could enhance the speaking skill; also promote nice brainwork on every aspect of international issues. Furthermore, there are five distinct committees which are SC, DISEC, HRC, ECOSOC, UNPC, have already provided more opportunities for every delegate on discussing different areas of expertise. With professional Dais and the diverse committees, every delegate could enjoy the meetings, for its advantages is not only enhance English abilities, but also cultivate nice international perspectives. For broadening horizon, it is absolute a great chance to participate.



台北模擬聯合國(TMUN)十周年囉! 在國際青年協會的推動下,每一年都會在國立政治大學舉辦具有意義的台北模擬聯合國,各位代表都能在參與過程中享受到高品質的會議,也能培養國際觀。這一次的TMUN將會議延長為四天,除了能在充裕時間內討論國際議題,也能透過良好的磋商,增進英文口說技巧。同時,這不僅能為國際議題產生更多的關心與認同,也為激發多層次的思考,產生了更多機會。除此之外,這次將開五個委員會,分別為: 安全理事會(SC)、聯合國裁軍委員會(DISEC)、人權理事會(HRC)、聯合國經社理事會(ECOSOC),以及聯合國新聞機構委員會,主要是能讓代表們有更多的選擇在各專業領域上發揮。TMUN也擁有專業的主席團,再加上多元化的委員會可供選擇,這絕對是一個絕佳的機會培養國際視野,還有英文能力,也顯示出它將是一場不參加會後悔的模擬聯合國。


小提醒:  參加TMUN者須年滿法定18歲唷!  




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更新時間: 2015-03-02 20:54:00



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